Amy Child’s Five Psychics Say Boy – It’s a Girl!

Window to the Womb Confirms Girl

Amy has enjoyed sharing her pregnancy experiences with her many fans through her social media presence and her weekly piece in new magazine keeping us all fully up to date about her pregnancy lifestyle and her excitement to have a new addition to the family.

However this week she joined the Loose Women of ITV and shared the story of her numerous visits to psychics who all told her she was having a boy!

“I thought I was having a boy, five psychics told me I was having a boy. I then went for four scans and they said she’s definitely a girl”

There’s numerous pregnancy myths out there that try and help expectant Mum’s predict whether they are having a baby boy or girl.
On many occasions these are just old wives tales such as where your bump sits and what side of the bed you sleep on.. but really does it ever work out that way?
And the now psychics are even struggling!
Amy Childs attended a scan at Window to the Womb in Essex and yes we did confirm girl!

Amy Childs Visits Five Psyhics

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