Old Wives Tale for Predicting Gender

gender old wives tales

In the 21st century we obviously have the technology to know what gender our baby will be. But 500 years back, the old wise ladies/gents of the world thought they knew if baby was boy or girl. Lords and Kings often went to these people to predict whether they were having sons…only to face disappointment because 50% of the time the wise ladies/gents were wrong. Unless they were very good at guessing!

Just for a bit of fun, we’ve gathered some of the ‘symptoms’ that these wise people would look for when predicting gender. Are you having boy or girl?

It’s a Boy If…

  • Your skin is better than ever, glowing even

  • Your baby’s heartbeat is slower

  • Father gains weight

  • You crave salty or meaty foods

  • You’re carrying low

  • Your right boob is bigger than your left

  • Your belly is rounder

  • Your belly is rounder

  • You’re clumsier than usual

  • Your thighs gain the most weight

  • Your age at conception added to the month of conception is an odd number

  • You sleep on your left side

  • You’re hairier than usual

  • You’re rounder than usual…like a beachball

  • If you have a long face

It’s a Girl If…

  • Your skin is pimply and less clear

  • Your baby’s heartbeat is faster

  • Dad is fitter than ever

  • You carry the baby high

  • You crave sweet foods

  • You have colder feet

  • You sleep on your right side

  • You’re not getting any hairier

  • Your belly is wider, rather than round

  • You’re graceful

  • If your age at conception added to the month is an even number

  • If your pupils don’t dilate when you look in a mirror

Obviously, these aren’t necessarily true…we would recommend our gender scans instead of relying on how hairy you are. We can guarantee this isn’t accurate!