It’s March of the Mummies!
Today people across the UK united to stand up for the rights of working Mums…dressed as Mummies! This is to represent the ‘archaic legislation currently in place’ and to fit in with the Halloween spirit.
‘March of the Mummies’ is there to make a stand on gaining back equality for Mums (and Dads) in the workplace. Too many Mums are dropping out of the workplace and Dads are dropping out of family life and this campaign is set out to call for ‘recognition, respect and change for working mums’.
Hundreds of people across the country took to the streets to bring light to injustices Mums face in the workplace, as well as the affect it can have on a balanced family life.
It isn’t just about the Mums, it’s also about Dads and partners, who are unable to share childcare responsibilities, have equal career opportunities and fair pay with motherhood being seen as a key factor in the gender pay gap with women with children earning 5% less than their childless peers.
“Juggling work and family life can be a real challenge for single parents, the vast majority of whom are women. LGBT+ and disabled parents face huge barriers in accessing services and support, and low-income and BAME parents are frequently demonised in the media and through policy. Discrimination is more common than it has ever been, with the number of pregnant women who are pushed out of their jobs doubling in the last 10 years. Three out of four working mums say they have encountered negative or discriminatory treatment in the workplace.” – March of the Mummies
The group will hand over demands to the government and they will even suggest better policies to create shared responsibility and a fairer and more balanced home life. These will include:
Six weeks paternity leave at 90% of pay, on a use-it-or-lose-it basis
Universal free childcare for all, from the end of parental leave until school age
Maternity rights that are protected and not linked to employment
You can read more about March of the Mummies and what they’re about on their website here.
Love from all the team at Window to the Womb xoxoxox