5 Ways to Reduce Your Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness is common during Pregnancy with around 70%-80% of people experiencing it. The exact causes of Morning Sickness are unknown. However, it has been linked to Hormone Changes, Lower Blood Sugar and Fluctuations in Blood Pressure. If you are struggling see below for ways to deal with your Morning Sickness.

Staying Hydrated

This is very important as the more dehydrated you are the more sick you can become. However, when you feel sick it can be hard to get your body to accept liquids. Ways to try if you are struggling are to try having hot drinks or go the other way and have very cold drinks such as ice lollies. If you are having hot drinks just make sure to watch your caffeine intake as this can lead to you feeling more fatigued during your pregnancy.

Try Ginger

Ginger has been known to be a stomach soother. Try adding a thin slice of ginger to hot water, drinking flat ginger ale or having some ginger tea. You could also go down the route of gingerbread or ginger flavoured sweets.

Sea Bands

Originally made to reduce sickness during being on a boat or by traveling in general. However, there is nothing stopping these from being able to reduce your sickness in general. They apply light pressure to a spot located inside your wrist which is believed to reduce nausea.

Eat Crackers

Eating crackers is a very easy way to make your Morning Sickness feel better. Having an empty stomach can also make you feel more sick, crackers are plain which can make them very easy to eat. Also, if you have salty ones the salt can make you feel better and settle your stomach. These are a must for a snack if you’re feeling sick.

Try Eating Smaller Amounts More Often

Eating a large meal can make you feel more sick and being hungry can also make you feel more sick. So, to help with both try instead of having 3 large meals a day try having 6 smaller meals a day. Which is stopping you from feeling too full and can stop your stomach from feeling to empty which could stop you from feeling as sick.

Those are some effective ways to reduce your Morning Sickness. For those struggling it is worth giving them a go and see what works for you.

If you are wanting to see more ways on how to reduce your morning sickness I would recommend clicking on the link below and having a look.
