10 Ways to Ease Morning Sickness | Window to the Womb

When you ask someone who is pregnant, what is the worst part about pregnancy the answer is usually ‘the morning sickness’.

Some women are blessed and don’t suffer from morning sickness or if they do it’s only for a short period of time. But some aren’t as lucky and suffer from morning sickness for a while and this may be throughout the day, not only just in the morning.

Here are 10 things you can try to help with the morning sickness:

  • Eat Little and often – An empty stomach can make morning sickness worse. So, to avoid this eat often throughout the day but eat small meals or have snacks to nibble on.

  • Eat food which are protein rich – Eat food that is high in protein, and rich in vitamin B such as nuts. Avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods.

  • Try eating a cold meal instead of hot – The smell of warm food could be what triggers the morning sickness, so try cold meals which don’t have a smell to avoid triggering the sickness.

  • Breakfast in bed – Sometimes rushing out of bed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can be factor which adds to morning sickness. If you’re lucky to have someone who can bring you toast in bed that will be great, if not keep some snacks and eat them slowly before rushing out of bed.

  • Note down the times and days you feel sick – It is good to keep a diary and track the day and the time you have been sick, this will help you plan when it’s the best time to eat and drink

  • Drink between meals – If you are finding it hard to keep in fluids down, try to mainly drink with your meals. But you also need to keep hydrated so throughout the day just limit what you drink.

  • Get plenty of rest – Stress and tiredness can add to your morning sickness, make sure to get enough rest and try and relax as much as you can.

  • Sniff lemons – The smell of lemons can help ease your nausea. If you don’t fancy sniffing lemons, instead you could add slices of lemon to your water or tea.

  • Have ginger tea – Ginger can help ease the sickness. To make it easier to have ginger, try grating the ginger and adding it in your tea or if not try ginger capsules or tablets.

  • Talk to people who understand – Sometimes talking to someone who has been through pregnancy and suffered from sickness can help. Talking about how you are feeling is a good way to feel more relieved and relaxed. Talking can also help take your mind of the thought of being sick.

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