Women's Health Scans

Scroll down for our range of gynaecology scans

Women's Health & Pelvic Scan

Well Woman - £95
Women's Health  Pelvic Scan

Our women's health & well woman check is a detailed pelvic examination to suit all current/previous concerns.

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Women's Health & Pelvic Scan

Fertility Scan - £95
Women's Health  Pelvic Scan

Our women’s health; fertility scan is a detailed pelvic examination designed for those on a fertility journey

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Women's Health & Pelvic Scan

Endometrial Thickness - £80
Women's Health  Pelvic Scan

Our endometrial thickness scan looks at the lining of the womb and suitability for implantation.

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Important Information

Window to the Womb have partnered with firstScan to offer private women's health and gynaecology scans. firstScan is led by an expert team of Consultants, Diagnostic Sonographers, Midwives and Nurse Specialists to ensure a professional, safe and discreet environment is provided. All packages are designed to suit individual needs and requirements. Please note these scans are not suitable for post menopausal patients. If you are already under the care of the NHS or private provider we would recommend discussing your options with them before attending a scan with us. If you have any documentation that would assist us in your appointment then please bring this with you. Please note, this is not a pregnancy scan and you will be asked to attend an early pregnancy scan if you have received a positive pregnancy test result.